Our Approach


No two pieces of art are alike.

Even if they look similar, there are unique elements and subtle properties that make each creation one of a kind.

The same is true for financial plans. While many of them might look alike on the surface — with similar approaches and themes — there are always slight variations and delicate differences that reflect the personality, vision and aesthetic of the client.

At Apple Tree Lane, each of our financial life plans is customized and created by an advisor with an artistic mind and keen financial understanding working with clients who are willing to cultivate their idea of a brilliant future.

A rare combination of skills

Amy Nelson offers her clients a genuinely rare combination of skills. She has a Master of Fine Arts and spent more than two decades as a textile artist in New York. She has owned successful businesses, raised a child and is a competitive tennis player. She brings her financial acumen and extraordinary way of looking at life to each of her clients, enabling them to prepare not only for a rewarding financial future but for the life experience they’ve always imagined.


It all starts with a plan. One that’s built around your goals for the future. Where you want to be in ten years? When you want to retire? What legacy you want to leave? We’ll take the time to clearly understand your objectives, create a plan to achieve them, and then we’ll get to work.

Make a Plan

We’ll cover all the bases. Once we’ve gotten a clear understanding of your goals and drafted a plan, we’ll start executing it. We’ll also make sure we have all the bases covered. Because planning for the future isn’t just about investing. A truly comprehensive financial plan includes insurance, tax planning, estate planning and more. You can rest assured we’ll take care of it all.

Invest Wisely

We’re focused on growth. Investing is obviously a critical part of your financial plan. At Apple Tree Lane, we have the experience and expertise to build a portfolio that is focused on growth. And we’ll constantly adjust your investments as your life and goals change to make sure you’re still on track.

Stay in Touch

We’ll keep in touch. Yes, we will do the bulk of the work for you. We’ll handle the daily management and monitoring. But we’ll also stay in touch so you’ll always know where you stand and what progress you’re making. We’ll absolutely minimize the demands on your time — we know you’re busy — but we’ll keep you up to date and informed. And, of course, if you ever need us, we’re always here.


Get Started on your Journey In Three Simple Steps.

Schedule an appointment.

Meet in person or via video conference.

Start developing a customized strategy.

Get started on your journey now with step1.

Get in touch with Apple Tree Lane Wealth Management.